11 Ways That Entrepreneurs Should Harness Content Marketing in 2019

When beginning to promote your new business, there are a wealth of marketing options available, both online and offline. With a lower cost than traditional advertising and a higher conversion rate, young brands are increasingly considering content marketing as a way to develop natural growth and presence.

For entrepreneurs and startups, content marketing is the most economical and effective means of building brand awareness amongst consumers, as it allows the brand to become a voice of authority on relevant subjects, thus building trust in the business and product.

However, the content marketing industry is constantly evolving, and the savvy entrepreneur must not only keep up with the latest trends, but also be able to harness them effectively. There’s no point of jumping on the bandwagon of live video, only to get a limited number of views on the stream. While the industry is moving fast, careful thought and planning before approaching any new aspect of content marketing will always pay off.

Related: The Best Kept Secret in Content Marketing

Interaction is key to the future of content marketing

According to new research by Kaizen.co.uk, the future of content marketing will comprise of three overarching categories: video content, immersive content and added value content.